[hpsdr] Mercury: Selection of frequency Segments
Phil Harman
phil at pharman.org
Mon Jan 5 16:47:15 PST 2009
Hi Alex,
Many thanks for all your input to Mercury. There are perhaps a number
of other options we could consider for implementing multiple receivers
in Mercury.
There is a 20 pin header on Mercury and one on Ozy. This will provide
for a 16 bit parallel bus plus clock - we would need a suitable ribbon
cable to connect the two boards.
Alternatively, I recall reading about an Altera Megafunction that is
intended for FPGA-FPGA communication. I think it uses an internal clock
at about 600MHz -perhaps use this and a couple of the pins from the 20
pin header to avoid using the Altas bus.
There are enough spare pins on the Atlas bus to run an 8 bit parallel
interface if required, latest pin usage is here
< svn:// to Janus
V2- OzyV2- Penelope Interface.xls>
73's Phil...VK6APH
Quoting "Alex, VE3NEA" <alshovk at dxatlas.com>:
> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> Hello,
> I am working on a multi-receiver project based on the QS1R and Mercury
> hardware. I managed to squeeze 7 independent receiver channels in the
> Cyclone III EP3C25 FPGA - this was not an easy task, I had to rewrite all
> modules from scratch to save logic elements. The Verilog part of the code is
> finished and works fine on QS1R, the USB bandwidth is more than sufficient
> for 7 receivers at 192 kHz, 2x32-bit. The 7-receiver source code is open
> source, it is available on the QS1R SVN server. A number of modules from
> this project are used in the Mercury V.2.x FPGA code.
> Implementing multiple receivers in Mercury is more difficult than in QS1R,
> the bottleneck is the serial protocol used to transfer I/Q data from Mercury
> to Ozy. I don't think the 7-receiver code can be ported to Mercury until the
> protocol is changed to 8-bit parallel. Any volunteers to do this?
> The PC part of the project is work in progress, currently I only have the
> code that receives seven I/Q data streams via USB - the CPU load is 2% to
> 12% on a dual-core 3-GHz P4, depending on the sampling rate and block size.
> 73 Alex VE3NEA
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Steven Wilson" <stevew at intrinsix.com>
> To: "Johan Maas" <johan.maas at hetnet.nl>; <hpsdr at lists.hpsdr.org>
> Sent: Monday, January 05, 2009 12:30 PM
> Subject: Re: [hpsdr] Mercury: Selection of frequency Segments
>> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
>> Johan,
>>> From my understanding of how Mercury works - you would have to modify
>> the FPGA to pull this off. There are several possible limits that may
>> cause issues.
>> The FPGA implements the DDC, i.e. you create I/Q by taking the raw data
>> in from the A/D and multiply it by a phase angle changing at the
>> frequency band you are listening too. Consequently, to fit "two"
>> receivers into the single FPGA you would first have to double the entire
>> DDC structure within the FPGA. The first limit you have to be concerned
>> about is - will this second structure fit into the FPGA.
>> The next limit is can the FPGA spit out a new multiplexed data stream
>> containing both receiver's I/Q data to Ozy, is there enough bandwidth
>> between the two to pull this off.
>> Next is whether there is head-room in the USB communications from Ozy to
>> your host computer.
>> Finally - do you have enough Flops in your computer to process the
>> second receiver.
>> These are some of the limits I can see for an implementation with the
>> current hardware.
>> At the same time, I believe some people are using two Mercury's already
>> - so maybe this is an existence proof of enough bandwidth in Ozy and
>> USB. (Two mercury's is the more expensive solution ;-)
>> If anyone on the list wants to correct my statements above - then I'll
>> learn something too!
>> 73 de Steve KA6S
>> Johan Maas wrote:
>>> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
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