[hpsdr] [dttsp-linux] intel 330 x86-64
Koos.Fockens at iaf.nl
Sat Jan 10 08:11:56 PST 2009
I fully support this view.
I, personally, am only interested in HPSDR from the moment the whole
signal path is handeld by a DSP platform, to be placed as an integral part
inside the receiver.
The controlling of this DSP unit should be possible by either a dedicated
controller board inside the rx, or any universal controller / computer
platform what is availlable, operating under Linux, RiscOS, or what ever
one likes.
In other words, a flexible programmable DSP unit with a well documentated
API is the key for future developments.
HPSDR, based on using a Windows-PC, I am not interested in.
>From the very first sdr-core and vrk have been designed with an eye
towards supporting a multiplicity of hardware and software platforms and
environments. We're closer than ever to being able to have components that
work together seamlessly, while being created in whatever language and
with whatever tools are most convenient for individual developers and
Anything further I might say right now is likely to degenerate into a
philosophical rant, so I'll stop here. But I would urge anybody involved
even peripherally in our SDR development efforts to remember how
monumentally harmful it is that the amateur radio digital world is so
profoundly Windows-centric, and that we should be especially careful not
to blunder into a similar situation of our own making.
Ir. T.W.H. Fockens
Kieftweg 1
7165BR Rietmolen
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