[hpsdr] Penelope Firmware Upgrade: "Programming hardware cable not detected"

Jack Speer speerj at buck.com
Tue Aug 10 13:08:25 PDT 2010

Here is what I just did to work around (but not fix) the 
problem.  Instead of using my Windows 7 desktop, I did the firmware 
update on the Windows XP laptop that I programmed the Mercury board 
on.  Worked just fine.  Can't figure that one out, maybe I missed 
using "Run as Administrator" at some point on the Win7 machine and it 
silently failed.


Jack N1BIC

At 03:53 PM 8/10/2010, Jack Speer wrote:
>***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
>   Penelope is in J6, Magister is in J5.  Nothing else is installed.
>   When I power up the radio I do hear the USB device detected 
> sound.   In Device Manager I see "LibUSB-Win32 Devices", and "OZY 
> Host Assisted Firmware Load", the driver version for that is
>   Here is the sequence of events (I'm on Windows 7 32-bit:)
>-Turn on radio
>-Run Command Prompt as Administrator
>-Run Program-Penelope-EPCS4.bat
>-Hear several USB insert/remove sounds, various message scroll by in 
>the command prompt (all look ok but I can send if needed.)
>-Windows pops up the Found New Hardware window.  I ignore it at this 
>point (correct?)
>-Batch file asks what version of Quartus, I answer 8, which is Quartus 10.0.
>-Batch file asks what version of Penelope, I answer B, Penelope_v1.2
>-Within a second or two receive error message in red type "Error: 
>Programming hardware cable not detected"
>Jack N1BIC
>At 10:52 AM 8/6/2010, Bill Tracey wrote:
>>Can you describe your setup a bit more - what cards in what 
>>slots?  If it's saying it can't find the programming cable it 
>>sounds like it's not finding Ozy/Magister posing as a USB 
>>blaster.  When you plug in/power up Ozy/Magister do you hear the 
>>windows sound indicating it found a new usb device?   If you look 
>>in device manager, do you find Ozy/Magister as a USB device?  What 
>>drivers does it show for it?
>>At 09:08 AM 8/6/2010, Jack Speer wrote:
>>>***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
>>>   Good, glad to know that's the right one.
>>>   Does anyone have any ideas on the error message?  Penelope is 
>>> dead in the water until I can figure out what's causing the error.
>>>Jack, N1BIC
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