[hpsdr] Magister USB driver for Windows 7 x64
Bill Tracey
bill at ewjt.com
Sun Aug 1 22:16:47 PDT 2010
I don't have an x64 system up so don't have direct experience in
getting it to work.
As to the jumpers on Magister - you want to place jumpers on SCL and
SDA to tie the I2C bus to the Atlas bus. You also want to set MSEL0
to 1 and MSEL1 to 0 indicating PS mode programming.
Next thing is to try is to run initozy11.bat from a command prompt
and look at the output. Specifically very interested to know if
loadFW and loadFPGA at the start of the batch file succeed. The
calls to writeI2C are for Janus and Penelope. If loadFW and
loadFPGA succeed, then I suspect you've need to upgrade the firmware
in the ROM on Mercury. If this is a fresh Mercury board from TAPR
that's never hard the firmware updated on it I'm sure you need to
update the firmware. The USBBlaster code in SVN will do that -
there's a readme in there that tells how to use it. (I'd provide a
link but can't seem to get to the SVN server at this moment).
Let me know what the loadFW and LoadFPGA are doing - that will tell
me if you're successfuly talking to the Magister board.
At 11:43 AM 8/1/2010, george byrkit wrote:
>Now you are beyond my skills (libusb0, winusb, KISS, C#), and into an area
>where Bill is infinitely better than I am!
>Maybe posting your current situation (if Bill doesn't respond) to the list
>will help, as there are likely others out there who can help. It may be
>that you need a newer version of firmware on the Mercury or such before it
>will work... The 'byteblaster' code in Bill's USBBlaster-Binaries directory
>on the SVN server would be required. You should probably delete the
>libusb0.dll from there and let Windows provide the proper one that it
>installed. You'll also need some Quartus software installed as well, I
>think, to make the USBBlaster-Binaries work.
>Vy 73,
>George K9TRV
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Isaac Weksler [mailto:iweksler at bezeqint.net]
>Sent: Saturday, July 31, 2010 12:57 PM
>To: 'george byrkit'; 'Bill Tracey'
>Subject: RE: [hpsdr] Magister USB driver for Windows 7 x64
>Hi, guys.
>Thank you, George, for replying so promptly.
>At the moment I have Magister in slot J2 and Mercury in slot J5. I have a
>Penelope board, but I thought that I first have the receiver working and
>then integrate the Penelope and the Hercules which I still have to complete
>I am not sure about the JTAG jumpers since I am not familiar with the
>boards. As far as I can see, the "Last JTAG" (JP7) in Mercury is not set. In
>Magister I can see 2 jumpers that may be related to the JTAG sequence: JP6 -
>set on the lower 2 pins (probably 2-3 (PS=0-FAS=1)) and JP7 - set on the
>upper 2 pins (probably 1-2 (AS=0-PS=1)). I am looking at the board with the
>Atlas connector down. Is this OK? I haven't found any instruction manual for
>the Magister. What about other jumpers? In Ozy manual it says 3 jumpers have
>to be set.
>I just noticed that on the Mercury board the revision is not indicated, it
>just says: Mercury DDC RX Rev A. And there is no S/N. Is this normal?
>Vy 73
>Isaac 4Z1AO
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