[hpsdr] Group buy for Hermes MiniCircuits parts kit

R Wall ml maillistrw at optusnet.com.au
Sun Dec 2 19:27:25 PST 2012

Hi Dave,

Received my MiniCircuit parts kit today. Thanks for your help.

Roderick Wall, vk3yc.

-----Original Message----- 
From: David McQuate
Sent: Saturday, November 03, 2012 8:28 AM
To: hpsdr at openhpsdr.org
Subject: [hpsdr] Group buy for Hermes MiniCircuits parts kit

***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****

The RLP-40+ seems to be back in stock, so I'll open the gate for orders--
to USA, Canada, and Australia addresses.

(This group buy does NOT include parts for the directional bridge for
VNA use.  There are currently 31 bridge kits requested.  I will work on
getting multiple boards on an ExpressPCB miniboard, so I'll be able
price the boards.  Then I'll be able to set a price for those kits.
Watch for a subsequent email.)

The Hermes kit will contain--
RLP-40+    1
RLP-50+    1
LFCV-52+    1
TC1-1TG2+    2
TC4-1T+    2
ADT1.5-1+    1
DAT-31-SP+    1

All kits must be paid for in advance.  The total cost, including parts,
taxes, and shipping, is US $45 per kit.
Payment may be accomplished by PayPal to mcquate (at) sonic (dot) net,
or by sending a check to my QRZ address.

When enough payments have arrived I will order the parts and start
sending them out.
I have 36 kits on my list now.  Assuming everyone sends payment, I will
order parts for 40 kits (and maybe 100 each of the TC1-1GT2+ and
TC4-1T+, since 80 would be required, and there's a nice price break at
quantity 100.)  Two people have suggested they each might buy two extra
kits, to bring the total up to a multiple of 20.  I appreciate your

At present, then, 4 more kits are available.  If enough others jump in,
the quantity could be bumped up to 50 (only a small price break from 40).

I will ship to USA using small flat rate priority mail box,
or to Canada, and Australia by USPS parcel post.
The DAT-31-SP+ will be shipped in a small ESD shielding bag; other parts
in coin envelopes.  If you have better suggestions please email me.


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