[hpsdr] Programming Hermes Help

Tim O'Rourke w4yn at earthlink.net
Sun Dec 2 16:47:59 PST 2012

Tnx Jeremy
My fault, no geek on this end, just a user.
The confusion stemmed from all the chatter about missing boot loader install.
I did learn a lot today, I may have some confusion left over.
I thought you could reprogram bootloader and firmware from byte blaster interface.
After reading a bit it seems the bootloader gets programmed via byte blaster but the firmware needs a different interface, P1 on Hermes.
Files for Bootloader and firmware have different extensions so that should have been a clue for me.
All is good to go now and I understand a bit more on FPGA programming, will forget most when 66 year old brain sleeps on it!
Tnx for all your work.

-----Original Message-----
>From: Jeremy McDermond <mcdermj at xenotropic.com>
>Sent: Dec 2, 2012 6:07 PM
>To: Tim O'Rourke <w4yn at earthlink.net>
>Cc: N4IS <n4is at comcast.net>, hpsdr at lists.openhpsdr.org, Bill Diaz <william.diaz at comcast.net>
>Subject: Re: [hpsdr] Programming Hermes Help
>On Dec 2, 2012, at 2:39 PM, Tim O'Rourke <w4yn at earthlink.net> wrote:
>> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
>> That was it, 20 seconds and it was done. 4 hours and all it was J12 being installed!!
>> Others be warned!!
>> Tim 
>When J12 is on the bootloader image is loaded instead of the normal image.  The bootloader image is designed to do *exactly* two things:
>1)  Reload the firmware image in case your normal image is corrupt and cannot reload itself.
>2)  Change the IP address of the device.
>The bootloader image *does not* speak any Layer 3 protocol, so it doesn't even try or use an IP address of any kind.  All communication with the device uses raw ethernet frames (this is why HPSDRProgrammer requires administrative privileges).  It does *not* respond to any discovery request, nor is one necessary to program it in bootloader mode.  As Phil has stated before, the device assigns itself a special ethernet MAC address that the programming software expects it to be at.  If J12 is on, you should be using only commands in the "Metis Boot Loader" tab of HPSDRProgrammer.  Note that this also removes any sort of discovery option when you do so.  If J12 is off, you should be in the "Metis Programmer" tab of HPSDRProgrammer and only use those commands.
>To be perfectly clear, when J12 is on the box does *NOTHING* with IP.  It will not DHCP; it will not APIPA; it will not assign its static address.  It will not ARP, it will not respond to ICMP.  Your DHCP server will not see it requesting addresses; you will not be able to ping it.   It will not respond to discovery packets and it certainly will not stream RF samples to you.
>This seems to be a perpetual issue with the Metis firmware updating.  I'm not exactly sure what we can do to better document things or make the system easier to use.  My solution for Flynn was to make it a tool that *only* works with the jumper installed and move "online" firmware updating to a subroutine in Heterodyne itself.
>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: N4IS <n4is at comcast.net>
>>> Sent: Dec 2, 2012 5:30 PM
>>> To: 'Tim O'Rourke' <w4yn at earthlink.net>, hpsdr at lists.openhpsdr.org
>>> Subject: RE: [hpsdr] Programming Hermes Help
>>> Hi Tim
>>> I experienced the same situation you describe. Several attempts to get
>>> Hermes discovered with no joy, but always able to see the Mac address and
>>> the IP was After reading the recommendations to upload the
>>> firmware I understood it and you don't need to change J12 to upgrade the
>>> firmware. J12 is necessary to be on for the boot loader.
>>> I removed J12 , power cycled Hermes and started PowerSDR. It worked
>>> correctly, just quite a longer time to start.  I closed PowerSDR, then
>>> another  power recycle Hermes and open programmer again, this time it
>>> recognized Hermes and the firmware upgrade was easy as expected. It seems
>>> that if you start with J12 on the board is not able to get an IP address.
>>> I have a TAPR Hermes and now the firmware is updated and working just fine.
>>> Regards
>>> Jose Carlos
>>> N4IS
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: hpsdr-bounces at lists.openhpsdr.org
>>> [mailto:hpsdr-bounces at lists.openhpsdr.org] On Behalf Of Tim O'Rourke
>>> Sent: Sunday, December 02, 2012 1:43 PM
>>> To: hpsdr at lists.openhpsdr.org
>>> Subject: [hpsdr] Programming Hermes Help
>>> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
>>> Well I am stuck, I can not discover Hermes.
>>> Have connection set to Obtain IP address automatically.
>>> I select the direct connection port in Programmer, I see Mac address that
>>> looks correct to what I have read.
>>> But I can not discover Hermes.
>>> I have TAPR Hermes. All else seems fine with programmer.
>>> Tim 
>>> Tim O'Rourke
>>> W4YN at ARRL.Net
>>> Low Power Amateur Radio Rocks
>>> Member of Flying Pigs,ARCI,GQRP,RSGB,ARRL Life Member NHRA Life Member
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>> Tim O'Rourke 
>> W4YN at ARRL.Net
>> Low Power Amateur Radio Rocks 
>> Member of Flying Pigs,ARCI,GQRP,RSGB,ARRL Life Member
>> NHRA Life Member
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>Jeremy McDermond (NH6Z)
>Xenotropic Systems
>mcdermj at xenotropic.com

Tim O'Rourke 
W4YN at ARRL.Net
Low Power Amateur Radio Rocks 
Member of Flying Pigs,ARCI,GQRP,RSGB,ARRL Life Member
NHRA Life Member

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