[hpsdr] Programming Hermes Help

Joe Martin K5SO k5so at valornet.com
Sun Dec 2 17:41:59 PST 2012

Hi Jeremy, 

Just a nit that most people won't care about, but because at this very moment I'm trying to get a bootloader written for Angelia and I happen to be working right now with the EEPROM (EPCS64) coding for it, I noticed that the address you specified as the starting address for the "normal" program in the Hermes/Metis EEPROM (EPCS16) is incorrect.  The starting address is 0x100000 (not 0x10000); one zero makes a huge difference, hihi.  

I also notice that in Appendix A of the "Metis - How it works" document the address is specified incorrectly in one place and correctly in another.  The address 0x100000 corresponds to the 1MB boundary (not 0x10000), of course.   

But please don't anyone let that little nit confuse the much larger, and more significant, point that Jeremy was making!!!

73,  Joe K5SO

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