[hpsdr] digital step attenuator (Joe Martin K5SO)

Joe Martin K5SO k5so at valornet.com
Mon Dec 3 05:08:57 PST 2012

Hi Tim, 

The current version of the RX2 PowerSDR program is dated 11/24/12; I don't recall whether the earlier version you mention had the step attenuator supported or not (probably not!).  Please use the current version of Rx2 PowerSDR.  

With the current program you should be able to enable the step attenuator by either of two methods: 1) double-clicking on the ATTN control on the front panel or 2) clicking the check box in Setup > Options. 

73,  Joe K5SO

On Dec 3, 2012, at 3:50 AM, Tim Forrester wrote:

> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> Hi Joe,
> Ok, I'm probably doing something dumb here but I can't get the RX step attenuator to show or work.  Most likely the version of PowerSDR and some HW config settings maybe ?
> I have V2.0 of the firmware installed on my Hermes + ANAN 10 along with OpenHPSDR v2.2.3 (10/17/12) RX2 which I downloaded - hopefully this is the right one :-)
> Under set up options I can't see anything to enable the RF atten and clicking on the ATT label has no effect.
> The pull down ATT settings available are
> 0
> -20
> -10
> -20
> -30
> -40
> -50
> Under HW config I have Hermes and Alex selected.
> I've tried a fresh re-install - that is I uninstalled the old version and completely removed any 'Roaming' data, but still no joy.
> Any suggestions ?
> Thanks Tim

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