[hpsdr] BEWARE new Icom receiver claims. (Was Re: You know this ? )

Robert McGwier rwmcgwier at comcast.net
Fri Aug 25 07:06:00 PDT 2006

Man I must be going blind and did I just misread the (typical) small 
print.   I sent the brochure to several people and the 110 dB dynamic 
range measurements are at 100  kHz not Hz.   I am expecting it to 
collapse just like all of these conventional roofing filter radios as it 
gets inside the roofing filter.    Do not be fooled by these marketing 
tricks.  I say that knowing full well Gibbs is on this email.  Do not 
believe these hype brochures until the ARRL labs measures the thing.


Robert McGwier wrote:
> I see on the folder they are claiming these figures of merit down to 
> 100 Hz.  That is very good indeed.  I hope it holds up in (say) the 
> ARRL labs.
> Bob
> N4HY
> Robert McGwier wrote:
>> Without seeing the detailed specifications on this receiver,  it is 
>> hard to tell what this really means.  The manufacturers, all of the 
>> big 4,  publish their 20 kHz specifications while having their 
>> roofing filters tuned down to much less.   In every case I have seen 
>> so far,  the receiver front ends fold as the interfering signals get 
>> inside the roofing filter.  The ISD/QSD front ends will have these 
>> kinds of numbers down to a few hundred Hz.  These measurements will 
>> be limited only by the quality of the generators in the two tone tests.
>> Bob
>> N4HY
>> KA2WEU at aol.com wrote:
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