[hpsdr] Type of kits forthcoming?...
Philip Covington
p.covington at gmail.com
Fri Jul 21 07:49:00 PDT 2006
On 7/21/06, Alberto I2PHD <i2phd at weaksignals.com> wrote:
> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> Lyle Johnson wrote:
> >
> > Given the three options above, which type would you prefer to see, and why?
> >
> My vote goes to having the SMT components premounted, and the rest in kit form.
> Or at least the big, multi-leg SMT chips premounted. You can always replace a damaged or lost SMT R or C, while for an
> IC, that would be a bit more problematic.
> 73 Alberto I2PHD
Hi all,
I just soldered 6 more Altera Cyclone II chips in the QFP208 package
for a project at work. After about the 3rd one I finally got my
technique worked out so I could do them quickly (about 15 seconds per
side). The pins on the Altera QFP208 package are very very flimsy
(unlike the Xilinx Spartan 3's in QFP208). It takes a very delicate
touch when hand soldering to not deflect the pins sideways to the next
pad especially since I like to use the drag soldering technique.
On the OZY, as a minimum I think people will want the Altera FPGA,
Cypress FX2, and the RC networks pre-installed. While you are doing
this you might as well have all the other SMT ICs installed along with
the resistor network packs.
73 de Phil N8VB
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