[hpsdr] hpsdr Digest, Vol 8, Issue 22
Phil Theis
phil at k3tuf.com
Tue Oct 24 06:27:45 PDT 2006
I know this is a separate list, but do you know who runs the hamsdr website?
Phil K3TUF FN10we
-----Original Message-----
From: hpsdr-bounces at hpsdr.org [mailto:hpsdr-bounces at hpsdr.org] On Behalf Of
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Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2006 9:09 AM
To: hpsdr at hpsdr.org
Subject: hpsdr Digest, Vol 8, Issue 22
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Today's Topics:
1. List Lull - a few announcements and info (Don AE5K)
Message: 1
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2006 19:49:19 -0500
From: Don AE5K <don at ae5k.us>
Subject: [hpsdr] List Lull - a few announcements and info
To: HPSDR discussion list <hpsdr at hpsdr.org>
Message-ID: <453D630F.2080401 at ae5k.us>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Wow! Over 48 hours without a message posted to this HPSDR discussion list
-- I think that is a record.
So that we don't start getting "pings" (where's Eric E. been?), I'd like to
take this opportunity to mention a few things.
As of tonight, we've reached 450 on our subscription list and it continues
to grow as the word gets out about HPSDR.
The hpsdr.org web pages are getting a little outdated, so one of these days
I'll try to update them. But, of course the Wiki continues to be the latest
information. This past week has seen some additions to it, including some
interesting results by Bill KD5TFD on a "Op-Amps Bakeoff"
(see Janus). Apparently, some of our list members don't know about the
HPSDR Wiki. Easiest way to find it is to point your web browser at
http://hpsdr.org and then click on "Wiki" on the left side area.
TAPR is currently stocking and selling the Atlas backplane and the extender
card (Pinocchio). http://tapr.org
What about Ozy and Janus? Since we all want to "get it right", both boards
are going through a second "alpha" spin to really make sure the changes made
in the first alphas (mostly minor) are what was intended.
Once these second alphas get the OK, I think you can figure on more rapid
The above information, by the way, is *unofficial* but I believe it is
accurate. The developers *have* been very busy -- so just because you don't
read a lot of news on this discussion list does not mean they're asleep.
We all look forward to Ozy, Janus, and other parts of the HPSDR total
Don AE5K
HPSDR Discussion List Administrator/Webmaster/WikiSysOp
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End of hpsdr Digest, Vol 8, Issue 22
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