[hpsdr] UCB

Christopher T. Day CTDay at LBL.Gov
Tue Feb 20 20:36:56 PST 2007


I've noticed an oddity with my UCB and the version of PowerSDR that I'm
using. It seems that on 20m RX, and on 20m only, the UCB ignores Pin 6,
i.e., the high bit is ignored. That is, if I only set Pin 6, relay 1
pulls in and input LED 5 stays off. This is not true on any other band.
Since I can't think of anyway that the UCB can tell what the band is, I
suspect something in PowerSDR. Since I'm working with the PowerSDR that
is modified to work with the Alpha2 Ozy/Janus boards, it might not be in
the general release. I'd be interested to know if anyone else sees a
similar problem. Thanks.

	Chris - AE6VK

-----Original Message-----
From: Philip Theis [mailto:phil at k3tuf.com] 
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2007 6:51 AM
To: hpsdr at hpsdr.org
Subject: [hpsdr] UCB

***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****

The Universal Controller Board is now shipping, the first batch went out

The input is a 15 pin VGA connector to match the SDR-1000 but presumably

an interface could be fabricated for some of the future options of the 
See: http://k3tuf.com/UCB.html for detailed information.
Phil K3TUF
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