[hpsdr] Initial Test of picoPSU.

Ben Hall kd5byb at bellsouth.net
Sun Mar 25 15:25:52 PDT 2007

Hey all,

A few power supply ramblings.

Received a picoPSU-120-WI-32 from www.mini-box.com.  Put it on my 
homebrew power supply tester, which is really nothing more than a bunch 
of resistors stuffed into a power supply case.  (I used to do some 
computer repair and it diagnosed many flakey PS's.)

Applied the following loads simultaneously while powering the unit from 
a large 12 VDC gel cell:

+3.3 volts, 5.5 amps
+5 volts, 5.0 amps
+5 volts Stand By, 1 amp
+12 volts, 5.2 amps

That's 110 watts of load - it's rated for a maximum of 120 watts.  The 
little thing had voltages all within specification.  The lowest was the 
+12, which was 11.5 volts.

I'm impressed.  The psu does warm up after a minute or so at this power 
level and I only ran the test for a few minutes.

One thing worth noting - the little guy has no -5 VDC output...

I didn't check for RF hash, etc...
Thanks and 73,

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