[hpsdr] Articles on SDR by VK6APH and VK6VZ in RadCom magazine
Tom Homsley
thomsley at radiancetech.com
Fri May 4 07:26:11 PDT 2007
I tried to join the RSGB and it wouldn't accept my credit card.
Tom Homsley
Principal Engineer
Advanced Technologies Operation
Radiance Technologies, Inc
350 Wynn Dr
Huntsville, AL 35806
256-489-8965 (voice)
256-656-5466 (cell)
256-704-3400 (main)
-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Frohne [mailto:frohro at wwc.edu]
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2007 9:24 AM
To: Steve Ireland
Cc: softrock40 at yahoogroups.com; hpsdr at hpsdr.org; 'Giles Read'; 'Homsley'
Subject: Re: [hpsdr] Articles on SDR by VK6APH and VK6VZ in RadCom magazine
Hi Steve, Phil, et. al.,
The ARRL allowed me to post my paper on software defined radio on my web
If you asked RSGB, perhaps noting that information, perhaps they would
allow you to distribute your papers as well. Getting reprints is a pain
in the neck.
Rob, KL7NA
On Fri, 2007-05-04 at 16:33 +0800, Steve Ireland wrote:
> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> G'day
> Phil Harman VK6APH and I regularly receive inquiries from members of these
> two SDR forums and others about the articles we have written on Software
> Defined Radio for the Radio Society of Great Britain's RadCom magazine.
> For those who are interested in buying back numbers of the magazine, here
> a definitive listing so far:
> April 2006 An introduction to Software Defined Radio (part 1)
> May 2006 An Introduction to Software Defined Radio (part 2)
> July 2006 Going Digital (round-up of available SDR hardware and software)
> September 2006 Performance is everything (a look at the HPSDR project)
> October 2006 Novel Approach - G3PLX approach to SDR
> November 2006 Aiming high - uWSDR (VHF/UHF) SDR Project
> January 2007 Watch your Is and Qs (Why I and Q signals are necessary in
> March 2007 Going from A to D (the rise of the FPGA)
> >From the May 2007 issue of RadCom, the SDR column should be published in
> magazine every month.
> Hope this helps.
> Vy 73
> Steve Ireland, VK6VZ
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Rob Frohne, Ph.D., P.E.
E.F. Cross School of Engineering
Walla Walla College
100 SW 4th Street
College Place, WA 99324
(509) 527-2075
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