[hpsdr] Was: Ozy/Janus Operating Manual. Now: Software question

Alfred Green nu8i at cox.net
Fri May 18 18:35:27 PDT 2007

Don Jackson AE5K wrote:

>The pdf file can also be accessed by going to our website
>http://hpsdr.org and clicking on the "Download" button on left side.
>This also avoids the file naming problem.
That gets to the pdf of the manual, which I downloaded. Nice piece of 
work, Phil & Joe!
It also links to a zip file which includes a bunch of software. This has 
probably been addressed before, but is this collection enough to get the 
boards up and running? The manual refers to getting the software from 
SVN repositories, so is there more up there that I need?
So far I haven't played around with Tortoise, but I'll set it up if 
needed. I don't fully understand the SVN thingy, however, so I'd prefer 
not to mess with it unless necessary.

I currently have a v1.8 PowerSDR-FA66-SDR1000 system which works great, 
so I have a good benchmark.

Any advice greatly appreciated.

73  Alf  NU8I
Scottsdale  AZ  DM43an

- now with two sets of Atlas-Janus-Ozy! Thanks John et al.


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