[hpsdr] FA: FlexRadio SDR-1000 Receiver with HPSDR Atlas/Janus/Ozy Boards

Guy Atkins dx at guyatkins.com
Sun Nov 4 19:09:06 PST 2007


You're not that far off, I guess! I work as a graphic designer and writer
for T-Mobile, and have worked at ad agencies in the past. It's easy to write
enthusiastically about products as good as FlexRadio's  <g>


-----Original Message-----
From: Jerry Flanders [mailto:jeflanders at comcast.net] 
Sent: Sunday, November 04, 2007 6:15 PM
To: dx at guyatkins.com; hpsdr at lists.hpsdr.org
Cc: FlexRadio at flex-radio.biz
Subject: Re: [hpsdr] FA: FlexRadio SDR-1000 Receiver with HPSDR
Atlas/Janus/Ozy Boards

Check this out, guys - KE7MAV's Ebay presentation is a good lesson in 
ad writing. You work on Madison Avenue, Guy?

Jerry W4UK

At 08:19 PM 11/4/2007, dx at guyatkins.com wrote:
>***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
>Over the last two years I've thoroughly enjoyed my SDR-1000, and more 
>recently the enhancement offered by the HPSDR boards. However, I'm 
>moving on to other radio hobby activities and have my gear for auction.
>Please check out Ebay item # 140175926854 or click this link if 
>Best DX,
>Guy Atkins KE7MAV

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