[hpsdr] Star-10 Transceiver article in QEX

Philip Covington p.covington at gmail.com
Mon Nov 12 19:55:08 PST 2007

On Nov 12, 2007 8:49 PM, John Miles <jmiles at pop.net> wrote:
> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> "Its receiver features a composite spurious free linear dynamic range
> exceeding 150 dB over the entire frequency coverage."
> Well, that's just plain goofy.
> "Powerful 8-bit PIC microprocessor..."

With 10,000 lines of "Perfect" code...  ;-)

A design that is not reproducible in the authors own words, with no
schematics, code or board layouts...  why the heck was this published
in QEX in the first place?  I have one issue left on my subscription
and I definitely won't be renewing.   I don't know about anyone else,
but I think that the content in QEX has taken a downturn in the last 4
or 5 issues.

73 Phil N8VB

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