[hpsdr] Searching for /10 Prescaler.

John Miles jmiles at pop.net
Sat Nov 17 12:24:31 PST 2007

If phase noise is not extremely critical, look at the MC12080D.  It is rated
to 1.1 GHz but it will work at 1.5 GHz with a somewhat-narrower input
amplitude range.  They're easy to obtain and apply; you can actually still
get them in 8-pin DIPs, I believe.

You can also use the programmable dividers built into the LMX23xx/ADF4xxx
PLL chips by National Semiconductor and Analog Devices.  These are quieter
than the MC12080D but require a microcontroller.  You don't have to use the
rest of the PLL logic if you don't want it.

There are other options, but price and power consumption become less
attractive as the parts get quieter and more exotic.

-- john, KE5FX

> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> Hello all:
> I am searching for a divide by 10 prescaler working up to 1500 MHz with
> low power consumption. It must be in current production and not costing
> too much.
> 73, de LA2NI, Kjell

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