[hpsdr] HPSDR - New Project - Cyclops - Spectrum Analyzer

Richard Faust dick_faust at hotmail.com
Mon Nov 19 22:26:32 PST 2007

I like the concept and the product.  The block diagram suggests you would use Cyclops as a front end to the Mercury/Ozy combo, which would be very desirable.
I know enough programing to be dangerous but I am not a proficient programmer, so probably not the programer you would like for for support.  Probably want a game programer who knows how to go arround the M$ OS to get graphics speed improvements with out the spagetti code that M$ uses for the slow OS routings.
I would suggest, however, that you port the code [mentioned below] from the 'free' Visual Studio 2005 IDE[C#] to a neutral compiler that does not rely on M$ Net Framework of any variety and compile for Windows 9x[X86] on, Linux and MAC with binaries and source that would be understandable for all OS's.
Visual Studio # is far from 'free' as it mandates a 280MB overhead gorilla called Net Framework to run on X86 platforms and 610MB on X64.  My understanding is this software is primarily used for business networking applications [ie database] & I really doubt it contributes much to DSP except the welding of the software to the Windows OS.  Since you indicate below that you do not plan to modify PowerSDR, why not make this software compatable with more hardware?  Dumping Framework would free up the resources and speed up the machines for those who do not use [or want to use] Net Framework v1, v2, or v3, Flex hardware or PowerSDR.
73, Dick  K9IVB
> Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 08:49:34 +0800> From: phil at pharman.org> To: hpsdr at hpsdr.org> Subject: [hpsdr] HPSDR - New Project - Cyclops - Spectrum Analyzer> > ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****> > > I've started a page on the HPSDR Wiki for a new project - Cyclops, a 0 > - 1GHz Spectrum Analyzer and tracking generator.> > Largely based on Scotty's Spectrum Analyzer [SSA] > <http://www.cpu-net.com/host/wsprowls/> but with a 50MHz second IF > based around Mercury or QuickSilver. Moving the second IF to 50MHz > simplifies the filtering after the first mixer which means we can most > likely use a SAW or Ceramic filter here rather than the multi-stage > cavity filter used in the SSA. Scotty has already kindly pointed me at > some SAW and Ceramic filters that may be suitable candidates.> > I've put an overall system block diagram on the Wiki. For the PC > software Phil, N8VB, has generously provided us access to his SharpDSP > dll and MercScope code. This gives us a very good start since we will > be starting from a working code base.> > Phil's code is written in C# and can be built using the free Microsoft > Visual Studio 2005 IDE. Since Phil's code was designed to work with a > limited set of hardware it is very straightforward and I think quite > suitable for a beginner to work on. I intend that we develop our own > custom PC code for Cyclops and not attempt to modify PowerSDR.> > Please note that the project is intended to develop a spectrum analyzer > and not a broadband receiver - we will be grabbing a number of samples > from the ADC and then processing them at our (PC's) leisure rather than > doing this in real-time.> > So far, with lots of patient support from Bill, KD5TFD, I've been able > to modify Phil's code to display a simulated 0 - 55MHz output from the > LT2208 ADC on Mercury. By simulating an input those interested can > work on the code without the need for any hardware for the time being.> > As soon as I have a decent code base I'll post it into SVN. I'll also > post some screen shots on the Wiki so you can see what the display > screen currently looks like.> > If there are any budding programmers in the group that would like to > assist with the code then there is one area I'd appreciate some > assistance with. I'd like to use DirectX (Direct3D) to display the > spectrum rather than GDI that Phil used (even though there appears to > be a substantial graphics speed improvement using .NET2 compared with > .NET1). This will take a substantial load off the PC CPU and transfer > it to the Graphics Processor.> > Ideas, comments and suggestions are welcome.> > 73's Phil...VK6APH> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ----------------------------------------------------------------> This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.> > _______________________________________________> HPSDR Discussion List> To post msg: hpsdr at hpsdr.org> Subscription help: http://lists.hpsdr.org/listinfo.cgi/hpsdr-hpsdr.org> HPSDR web page: http://hpsdr.org> Archives: http://lists.hpsdr.org/pipermail/hpsdr-hpsdr.org/
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