[hpsdr] SW developement (was Cyclops - Spectrum Analyzer)

Elio Corbolante eliocor at gmail.com
Tue Nov 20 14:44:58 PST 2007

>ik2wqi wrote:
> >From what you are writing, Elio, it seems you know much about 
> .NET, Mono, multiplatform programming and execution environments.
>It would be nice to start the software part of the HPSDR project (if 
>there is not already one I'm not aware of!) by discussing your ideas 
>and have some proposals to put in debate with other software minded 
>members of this group.
>I'll recall that software is a significant part of an SDR so apart 
>from particular firmware implementations on the various boards 
>requiring mostly low level languages programming work and being 
>partially out of this discussion, there is a large space for more 
>projects to add to HPSDR.

My expertise on those environment is most on nongraphical applications.
I found that it is easier for me to write my applications (they must 
be portable) in C#.
Some times ago I was using Perl to reach my goal, but I find this 
language a bit too "messy". No, I'm not a Java man and I think I will 
never be one!
I found that the .NET/MONO framework is a really good tool to write 
programs which do not need to be recompiled when ported to other OSs!

Unfortunately my tests on the graphical interfaces rely almost on 
Mac users don't like the Winfoms interface (it too crude for them!), 
so I'm trying to find some alternatives (cocoaSharp ?) but at this 
date it is too early to say something...

regarding the developement of such SDR/SA software, I think it should 
need a very detailed analysis just before starting to write down some code.
Unfortunately I have really very few time to dedicate to my hobbies, 
so I'm not sure I will be able to give some help. :-(

>P.S. Dear Elio: as a friend of mine often says no "religion-war" 
>regarding operating systems (and I add "or equipment") makes sense 
>so far our aim is to R&D and use it as a tool we need to achieve our targets.

I have no interest to make a "religion-war": as you have seen, I'm 
used to work with several OSs and everyone of them have some idiosyncracies.
But for a low level developer like me (I almost write firmware, even 
for USB devices) some OSs are better than others, but my opinions on 
them are available only via private messages! :-)

I was only asking for some suggestions by you about other "universal" 
developement environment/languages.

.     ciao
_        Elio.

P.S. Andreas, as you could have guessed, I'm from Italy too. 

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