[hpsdr] Phase noise

Grant Hodgson grant at ghengineering.co.uk
Fri Oct 26 02:39:08 PDT 2007


Re. DDS - the new AD9912 gives the advantage of both low phase noise AND 
low spur levels.  From the data sheet that was published only last week, 
it seems that the close-in spurs are very low indeed, and any wide-band 
spurs could be filtered.  The AD9912 would seem to be a good choice for 
an LO for Pheonix/Horton.




  I'm considering going back to my homebrew RX and ripping out the 
synthesizer and installing an HP8640B cavity because that is the closest 
thing I see to a crystal oscillator. Yes a DDS is clean close in at the 
expense of bb spurs.
   Any smart guy want to set me straight here. Frank WA1GFZ


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