[hpsdr] Janus/Ozy "Line In" Adjustment

Bill Tracey bill at ewjt.com
Thu Aug 28 22:19:16 PDT 2008

The line in does not work because there's currently no software to 
select it.  The way things work now is the i2c commands in initozy 
initialize the TLV320AIC23B to mic input and I've never put in 
support to change it.

If you want to experiment with it, if you change this line in initozy11.bat:

write_i2cV1.1 0xfffe 0x7 0x1a  0x2  0x08 0x15


write_i2cV1.1 0xfffe 0x7 0x1a  0x2  0x08 0x12

I think we'll start reading from the line in connector.

BTW - any reason you're going out from one sound card and into 
Janus?  I usually use VAC for that instead of doing the digital -> 
audio -> digital dance.

If you try it out let me know if it works -- I've got to go play with 
the TLV320AIC23B code soon and maybe I can add selection of this 
connector in there as well.


Bill  (kd5tfd)

At 09:30 AM 8/28/2008, Bob Fish wrote:
>Hi Bill,
>I am not sure what difficulties Joe was having, but when I was 
>trying to set up my SDR-1K and Janus/ Ozy combo for digital modes. I 
>tried to run my transmit audio (from my computer sound card output) 
>to the "line in" jack on Janus. In other words, the 3rd jack down 
>from the top of the card. I never could get it to work.
>To troubleshoot the problem, I moved the plug down to the 4th jack 
>down (Mic audio/PTT) and it works. Since I am lazy, I just stopped 
>troubleshooting right there. When I want to operate digital modes I 
>just swap out the mic audio cable and plug in sound card output 
>cable on the mic/ptt jack
>Any idea why that "line in" jack isn't working for me? Are there 
>jumpers to turn on that jack or does it have to be switched on in 
>software somewhere? Am I trying to use the "line in" jack for 
>something it wasn't intended to do? It would be nice to be able to 
>leave both plugs in the board all the time. I hope this makes sense.
>Thanks in Advance,
>Bob  K6GGO


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