[hpsdr] HPSDR Projects
Scott Cowling
scotty at tonks.com
Mon Dec 8 14:21:02 PST 2008
Hi Phil,
Peer review can occur on several levels.
It can be "concept" review, such as "I'm thinking about a project for
this purpose, what does everyone think about the feasibility of it?"
It can be a "feature" review, such as "does project implement an
acceptable/desirable set of functions?"
It can be an "interest" review, such as "If one of these were
available, would you want one?"
It could be a "design" review, such as "I am going to build it this
way, do you see any problems with or can you suggest improvements to
the design?"
The "design" review can occur on several levels, such as schematic,
parts selection, PCB layout, software coding, etc.
But you already know all this. :-)
In the life of an HPSDR project, the progression seems to be from
"concept" to "feature" to "design", with "interest" being gauged
along the way.
The discussion seems to be over when the wiki page gets put up during
the progression of the project. In the early stages of HPSDR (when we
had many fewer members) there was more "concept" discussion before
the wiki ever went live. Now that we have 800+ members, it is a bit
more difficult to please everyone, especially in the initial stages
when project goals and features are more fluid. It gets easier for
projects to get derailed and end up in oblivion.
The two projects under discussion, LPU and Pennywhistle are interim
solutions (to Demeter and Thor, respectively) for long standing
projects that have stalled for one reason or another.
I'll let Graham speak for Pennywhistle. On the LPU, the "concept" and
"feature" reviews were simple (and where Demeter had the most
difficulty). The "interest" was clearly there. I deliberately took
the time to get "design" input on the LPU because that was my
interpretation of Steve's "peer review" requirements.
(The LPU wiki was put up on Oct 27 and the announcement to the list
was made on Oct 30.)
So I guess I am with Dan: I'm not sure what all the fuss is about. :-)
Some projects get more early discussion than others. Some potential
project leaders want early input to determine interest and help
determine features to implement before they launch a project. Some
other projects are so obviously needed that people would do them on
their own anyway, so the wiki is a way to share open source projects
with interested parties.
I think that there is room for both kinds of approaches within the
HPSDR community.
Scotty WA2DFI
At 15:42 2008-12-08 -0500, Philip Covington wrote:
>***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
>On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 3:08 PM, Dan Babcock <n4xwe at yahoo.com> wrote:
> > Hello Everyone,
> >
> > From my observations the idea that the LPU was somehow concocted in a back
> > alley without notice isn't quite correct. Toward the end of
> October, Scotty
> > announced the LPU project on the hpsdr list and invited feed back. There
> > were exactly two postings on the list in reply to his original
> > announcement. I don't know for sure but he may have received additional
> > comments in private emails. Whatever, it seems like the problem is apathy
> > and not exclusion.
>No, it was the order that the project was accepted that is in
>question. The LPU showed up on the HPSDR website first and was then
>discussed on the HPSDR list. This implies that it was accepted as a
>HPSDR project before it was put to the list for comment. A big part
>of HPSDR is peer review.
> > In my mind the involvement of TAPR in the HPSDR project has been a godsend.
> > The upfront cost for doing a project like Penelope or Mercury is about a
> > hundred thousand dollars. Even though the purchasers defray that initial
> > cash outlay, the risk to TAPR as the guarantor is not insignificant. It is
> > clearly the prerogative of the TAPR Board of Directors to support or not
> > support any project they choose.
>TAPR would have nothing to manufacture either if it we not for the
>developers volunteering their valuable time and expertise to the
>projects, so it is a win-win both ways. Not to speak of the huge cost
>of the development tools that AMSAT has arranged to have available to
>In Steve N7HPR's "TAPR Letter to the HPSDR Community" posted in March
>2007 a few things were clarified (prompted by the Mercury_EU
>"TAPR is happy to consider project proposals for funding and
>manufacture, provided the project has been thoroughly peer reviewed by
>the HPSDR community and a written proposal is submitted to the TAPR
>Board of Directors."
>"TAPR simply cannot take on all projects. Therefore, the designs that
>are more thought out, prototyped, vetted and peer reviewed will stand
>the best chance of funding and manufacture by TAPR."
>Both points stress "peer review" which is hard to have unless the
>project proposals are submitted to the HPSDR list. IMO TeamSpeak is
>not the proper place to do it.
> > The Saturday 0200Z meetings of FlexRadio Friends on TeamSpeak aren't
> > private, they are open to anyone that has a PC, an internet connection and,
> > if you want to comment, a microphone. Granted it isn't held at a
> convenient
> > time for most Europeans but that is due to the fact that we live
> on a sphere
> > that is divided into 24 time zones. If you can't make it to a session, the
> > recordings are posted through the good graces of Mike, AA8K, at hamsdr.org.
>It makes more sense to publish project proposals on the HPSDR list
>where everyone can review them. Heck, the TeamSpeak meetings are not
>even called HPSDR meetings, instead it's called FlexRadio Friends
>though not much Flex Radio equipment is discussed there anymore!
> > It may be just my narrow view of the World but am having a little trouble
> > understanding what all the fuss is about.
>Peer review, HPSDR community involvement, etc...
> > Dan N4XWE
>Phil N8VB
>HPSDR Discussion List
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