[hpsdr] Operating Janis Ozy and Penelope boards with a SoftRock 40 Lite V6.2

Bill Tracey bill at ewjt.com
Mon Nov 3 20:18:13 PST 2008

Hi Ron,

If you tell it SDR 1000 and use a SoftRock to Xmit I suspect you're 
transmitting off frequency since for the SDR 1000 we change the DDS 
to the xmit freq and for a SoftRock you need to change the IF of the 
Xmit signal to get it at the right frequency.

This can be fixed - take me a bit of work to get SoftRock xmitter out 
and make sure I set the appropriate IF to have it on frequency.


Bill (kd5tfd)

At 09:17 PM 10/30/2008, Ronald Cox wrote:
>***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
>I am very impressed with the operation of the the SoftRock 40 option
>on the the HPSDR version of PowerSDR. My version does not let me
>transmit while in this mode, but does trasmitt, if I specified
>connected to  SDR-1000. Can that be changed?
>Ron W9KFB

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