[hpsdr] HPSDR and Heros Tiny preselector
Phil Harman
phil at pharman.org
Sat Apr 18 20:21:31 PDT 2009
Hi Alex,
If your not a programmer (like me) then you need to make friends with one!
I do have Verilog code to implement I2C in say the Mercury FPGA. At the
moment Mercury determines what frequency its tuned to and sends the relay
selection data to Alex. You could do the same for the Tiny SCR - send the
correct I2C data dependant on the frequency.
This seems a better way than to get PowerSDR to calculate the I2C data since
this way is hardware independent.
Perhaps someone who did Kirk's Verilog tutorial would like a crack at this -
if so send me an email and I'll send you a copy of the I2C code.
I also have some PC test code in C# that enables you to send/receive I2C
data via the FX2 on Oyz, please email for a copy of the code.
73's Phil....VK6APH
----- Original Message -----
From: "Alexander Geckeler" <alexander.geckeler at gmx.de>
To: "HPSDR List" <hpsdr at hpsdr.org>
Sent: Sunday, April 19, 2009 5:09 AM
Subject: Re: [hpsdr] HPSDR and Heros Tiny preselector
> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> Hello Phil,
> thanks for your hint!
> I'm already use the tiny preselector via USB.
> Because I'm not a software expert / programmer - how can I integrate the
> tiny SCR preselector via an I2C interface into the Atlas bus and how can
> I "talk" to the preselector via PowerSDR?
> I'm looking forward to your answer.
> 73,
> Alexander
> Phil Harman schrieb:
>> Hi Alex,
>> Good to hear your success with HEROS. I see the tiny SCR preselector
>> now comes with an I2C interface option. This would make is easlier to
>> interface to the Atlas bus.
>> http://www.m0wwa.co.uk/page/tiny/tiny_SCR_preselector.html
>> 73's Phil...VK6APH
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Alexander Geckeler"
>> <alexander.geckeler at gmx.de>
>> To: <hpsdr at hpsdr.org>
>> Sent: Saturday, April 18, 2009 4:22 AM
>> Subject: [hpsdr] HPSDR and Heros Tiny preselector
>>> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
>>> Hello all!
>>> Today I was able to integrate the tiny preselector from HEROS into my
>>> HPSDR setup. To make it short: It works great and the results are
>>> realy great fun.
>>> I'm living in a bigger city (nearby my QTH I have a strong shortwave
>>> weather fax station and a big VHF radio station) and before I had the
>>> selector it was really problematic to receive signals without
>>> disturbance.
>>> Today it was more or less without any kind of unwanted signals!
>>> This is great.
>>> But I'm looking forward to get the Alex boards to integrate them into
>>> my setup to drive the selectors directly ou of PowerSDR.
>>> 73,
>>> Alexander
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