[hpsdr] Penelope Output power problem (HELP PLEASE)
Gerd Loch
g.loch at nt-electronics.de
Thu Apr 23 00:50:25 PDT 2009
Hi Steven,
I do not yet understand what could be wrong because I have tested all
Penelopes for correct output. On 80m I measured at least 500 mW for all
Are the jumpers before (JP3) and after (JP2) the reconstruction filter
inserted (both to the richt side)?
73, Gerd
-----Original Message-----
From: Graham / KE9H [mailto:KE9H at austin.rr.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2009 1:42 AM
To: Steven Doyle
Cc: Gerd Loch; hpsdr
Subject: Re: [hpsdr] Penelope Output power problem (HELP PLEASE)
The gain of the OpAmp output stage is about 23 dB.
So for 1/2 Watt out, you need +27 dBm - 23 db or +4 dBm
into T1 for full output.
Check for about 1 Volt peak to peak at JP2 pin 1 or 2.
Look for about 1.2 Volt peak to peak at JP3 pin 1 or 2.
If not getting that, then look for problem between there and the DAC.
--- Graham / KE9H
Steven Doyle wrote:
> Hi,
> I have done some testing and checked the following.
> Gert Build Penelope so T2 installed correctly
> Tune Power set to 100
> Drive set to 100
> PA Settings set to 38.8
> The output of T1 is 236mV(Peak to Peak) and the output of the
> operation amplifier circuit is 2.4V(Peak to Peak) which looks correct
> to me as I believe the gain is set to 10. Maybe the input (236mV) is
> low I don't know.
> Any further ideas or what these voltages should typically be ?
> thx
> Steve
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Graham / KE9H"
> <KE9H at austin.rr.com>
> To: "Gerd Loch" <g.loch at nt-electronics.de>
> Cc: "'Steve Niles'" <n5en at wt.net>; "'Steven Doyle'"
> <steve_doyle at o2.co.uk>
> Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2009 6:33 PM
> Subject: Re: [hpsdr] Penelope Output power problem
>> All:
>> On the US built Penelope, and I assume on Gerd's Penelope, the power
>> control loop will start to go unstable, (a very low frequency AM
>> modulation appears on the signal) if you set the PA settings between
>> 38 and 38.6. This is why I recommended a PA setting of 38.8 or 39
>> rather than 38.
>> --- Graham / KE9H
>> ==
>> Gerd Loch wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> The transformer is assembled according to the errata.
>>> All Penelopes were tested for correct output. On 6m however the
>>> output is down to about 120 mW. This is the case for all Penelopes
>>> and is due to the design.
>>> You can compensate differences in output through "PA-Settings" where
>>> you
>>> can adjust the gain of the PA. That means a lower value for PA gain
>>> result in a higher output from Penelope.
>>> If you set all PA-settings to the lowest gain (38) the output is up
>>> to 500mW on 80m and slightly less on the higher bands.
>>> 73, Gerd
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Graham / KE9H [mailto:KE9H at austin.rr.com] Sent: Wednesday,
>>> April 22, 2009 2:28 AM
>>> To: Steve Niles
>>> Cc: Steven Doyle; g.loch at nt-electronics.de
>>> Subject: Re: [hpsdr] Penelope Output power problem
>>> Yes, if it is one of Gerd's Penelope's, then the transformer should
>>> be installed correctly. I guess I didn't read all the way to the
>>> bottom.
>>> --- Graham /KE9H
>>> ==
>>> Steve Niles wrote:
>>>> Surely Gerd installed the transformers per the errata... Right
>>>> Gerd?
>>>> Steve N5EN
>>>> Graham / KE9H wrote:
>>>>> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List
>>>>> *****
>>>>> Steve:
>>>>> Is the drive level set all the way to 100 for the test?
>>>>> Also, you need into PowerSDR under
>>>>> SetUp,
>>>>> PA Settings,
>>>>> and set all of the PA setting windows to 38.8.
>>>>> This will usually get you up to about 300 mW.
>>>>> If you still want the full 500 mW, refer to the Errata sheet for
>>>>> Penelope in the Support section.
>>>>> http://hpsdr.org/support.html
>>>>> This explains that you must reverse the output transformer to get
>>>>> the
>>>>> full rated output.
>>>>> --- Graham / KE9H
>>>>> ==
>>>>> Steven Doyle wrote:
>>>>>> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List
>>>>>> *****
>>>>>> forgot to add that I am running the following versions
>>>>>> PowerSDR 12Apr2009
>>>>>> Firmware
>>>>>> Ozy FX2:20090201
>>>>>> Ozy 12
>>>>>> Mercury 26
>>>>>> Penelope 11
>>>>>> thanks
>>>>>> Steve
>>>>>> G1YLB
>>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Steven Doyle"
>>>>>> <steve_doyle at o2.co.uk>
>>>>>> To: "hpsdr" <hpsdr at lists.hpsdr.org>
>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2009 10:37 PM
>>>>>> Subject: [hpsdr] Penelope Output power problem
>>>>>>> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List
>>>>>>> *****
>>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>>> I just received my new Penelope from Gert(thankyou), but I am
>>>>>>> unable to get anything like 0.5W out.
>>>>>>> With the PA gain set to min (38dB) in PowerSDR and the drive
>>>>>>> level set to 100 I am only getting 49mW out on the display when
>>>>>>> I select
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