[hpsdr] Failed to program Mercury
Bob Cowdery
bob at bobcowdery.plus.com
Wed Feb 4 13:59:46 PST 2009
I seem to having far more than my fair share of problems. I tried to
update Mercury firmware and all went well until I got this. Yes I did
put the jumper on Mercury. Any ideas would be very welcome.
finding busses...
finding devices...
bus location: 0
Checking for VID PID...
Found VID PID: fffe 7
Trying to open device...
Device handle is: 3877560
Resetting CPU...Reset ON...
Result: True
Opening intel hex file: ozyfw-sdr1k.hex
Processed 740 lines...
Result: True
Taking CPU out of reset...
Result: True
Closing device...
Sleeping: 3000
finding busses...
finding devices...
bus location: 0
Checking for VID PID...
Found VID PID: fffe 7
Trying to open device...
Device handle is: 3877560
TS:04/02/2009 21:47:53
TS:04/02/2009 21:47:53 FL_BEGIN
75596 bytes were transfered
TS:04/02/2009 21:47:55 FL_XFER
TS:04/02/2009 21:47:55 FL_END
Closing device...
Sleeping: 3000
finding busses...
finding devices...
bus location: 0
Checking for VID PID...
Found VID PID: fffe 7
Trying to open device...
Device handle is: 3877560
Resetting CPU...Reset ON...
Result: True
Opening intel hex file: std.hex
Processed 432 lines...
Result: True
Taking CPU out of reset...
Result: True
Closing device...
Sleeping: 3000
A. Program using Mercury_v1
B. Program using Mercury_v2.1
C. Program using Mercury_v2.2
D. Program using Mercury_v2.3
E. Program using Mercury_v2.4
F. Program using Mercury_v2.5
Q. Quit
Type the letter and press Enter: F
Info: Running Quartus II Programmer
Info: Version 8.1 Build 163 10/28/2008 SJ Full Version
Info: Copyright (C) 1991-2008 Altera Corporation. All rights
Info: Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic
Info: and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic
Info: functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing
Info: (including device programming or simulation files), and any
Info: associated documentation or information are expressly subject
Info: to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License
Info: Subscription Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License
Info: Agreement, or other applicable license agreement, including,
Info: without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose of
Info: programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by
Info: Altera or its authorized distributors. Please refer to the
Info: applicable agreement for further details.
Info: Processing started: Wed Feb 04 21:48:16 2009
Info: Command: quartus_pgm -c USB-Blaster mercury_v2.5.cdf
Info: Using programming cable "USB-Blaster [USB-0]"
Info: Started Programmer operation at Wed Feb 04 21:48:18 2009
Info: Configuring device index 1
Info: Device 1 contains JTAG ID code 0x020F30DD
Error: Can't access JTAG chain
Error: CONF_DONE pin failed to go high in device 1
Error: Can't access JTAG chain
Error: Operation failed
Info: Ended Programmer operation at Wed Feb 04 21:49:04 2009
Error: Quartus II Programmer was unsuccessful. 4 errors, 0 warnings
Error: Peak virtual memory: 60 megabytes
Error: Processing ended: Wed Feb 04 21:49:04 2009
Error: Elapsed time: 00:00:48
Error: Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:00:01
Press any key to continue . . .
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