[hpsdr] Ozy EEPROM

Ramakrishnan Muthukrishnan vu3rdd at gmail.com
Sat Mar 28 08:10:59 PDT 2009


I soldered my Ozy board and am trying to program the EEPROM in C0
mode. Here is what I am doing:

0. FX2 comes up with VID and PID 0x4b4 and 0x8613 respectively.
1. Load FX2 with OZYV1FW.hex.  This renumerates FX2 to 0xfffe and
0x0007 (VID & PID).
2. Now I write to I2C address 0x51 with values 0xc0 0xfe 0xff 0xff
0x00 0x01 0x00 0x00. (8 values). The program says it wrote 8 bytes.

3. Now when I read back from address 0x51. I get all FF's.

As expected, if I power down Ozy and power up again, it enumerates to
0x4b4 and 0x8613 !!!

Could it be that the EEPROM needs replacement?


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