[hpsdr] The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated

Scott Cowling scotty at tonks.com
Mon May 4 15:51:02 PDT 2009

Thanks, Don, for the explanation on the new domain names and how they operate.

As Don said, if you are going to Dayton, I will be giving two 
different talks on HPSDR in two different forums. I have included the 
full schedule for each of the two forums (TAPR and SDR), since there 
is more of interest to the HPSDR group than just what I have to say. :-)

TAPR Forum
Friday 9:15AM - 11:15AM
Room 1
Moderator: Steven Bible, N7HPR
Introduction and TAPR Update - Steve Bible, N7HPR
Timing Products Update - John Ackermann, N8UR
HPSDR Manufacturing Update - Scotty Cowling, WA2DFI - 20 minutes
"From Napkin to Hamshack: Creating a TAPR Project" - John Ackermann, N8UR
"Sharing Your Experience, Documenting Your Journey" - Larry Wolfgang, WR1B
ARRL/TAPR Digital Communications Conference Update - Steve Bible, N7HPR

SDR Forum
Friday 2:30PM - 5:00PM
Room 5
Moderator: Bob McGwier, N4HY
Status of Microwave Engineering Project - Michelle Thompson W5NYV
"A Top Secret Proposal for Contesting" - Doug Grant K1DG
"New Offerings from Flex Radio" - Gerald Youngblood K5SDR
"The Elecraft K3 as an SDR" - Lyle Johnson KK7P
HPSDR Project Update - Scotty Cowling WA2DFI
"Operating with an SDR" - Joel Harrison W5ZN, ARRL President

Here is a link to the main Hamvention forums page for more info:

Come check it out!

Scotty WA2DFI

At 17:23 2009-05-04 -0500, you wrote:
>***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
>The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.
>--Mark Twain
>I don't see anyone else answering the couple questions that have 
>been asked on this discussion list today, so at risk of sticking 
>foot in mouth, I'll try to shed a little light on the matter.
>As some of you have already seen, the hpsdr.org website is no longer 
>connected with our HPSDR (High Performance Software Defined Radio) project.
>The owner of the hpsdr.org domain name has decided to discontinue 
>his involvement with the HPSDR project.  All HPSDR project 
>activities now operate under the new domain name of OPENhpsdr.org -- 
>all email addresses and web links remain the same, but for the new 
>domain name. Please update your address book and bookmarks accordingly.
>As to the content of the present hpsdr.org webpage, we no longer 
>have any control over what is said there.  We leave you to draw your 
>own conclusions as to why our HPSDR is omitted.
>This discussion list (reflector) was transitioned over to the new 
>domain name last Friday with no apparent problems -- if you normally 
>got the messages and now are not, you might check your spam filter 
>and whitelist for domain name adjustment.
>The announcement-only list had its subscriber database lost and it 
>is being rebuilt under the new domain name.  Anyone who previously 
>subscribed to this list should have received an email request to 
>reconfirm their wanting to be on the list.  If you did not and wish 
>to subscribe, you may do so at http://openhpsdr.org/reflector.html 
>(scroll down to bottom).
>Kirk's very fine tutorial series on Verilog is now found at:
>If you are going to Dayton, be sure to support Scotty WA2DFI (our 
>main "manufacturing guy") who will be giving a talk on 
>HPSDR.  (Scotty -- tell everyone about it!)
>Don AE5K
>HPSDR Discussion List
>To post msg: hpsdr at openhpsdr.org
>Subscription help: http://lists.openhpsdr.org/listinfo.cgi/hpsdr-openhpsdr.org
>HPSDR web page: http://openhpsdr.org
>Archives: http://lists.openhpsdr.org/pipermail/hpsdr-openhpsdr.org/

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