[hpsdr] Penelope Firmware Upgrade: "Programming hardware cable not detected"

Jack Speer speerj at buck.com
Fri Aug 6 07:08:47 PDT 2010

   Good, glad to know that's the right one.

   Does anyone have any ideas on the error 
message?  Penelope is dead in the water until I 
can figure out what's causing the error.


Jack, N1BIC

At 04:10 PM 8/5/2010, Kjell Karlsen wrote:
>Hi Jack.
>Yes, JP7 (Last JTAG) is the one you found.
>73, Kjell
>På Thu, 05 Aug 2010 21:51:13 +0200, skrev Jack Speer <speerj at buck.com>:
>>***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
>>    I have a Penelope board purchased from a gentleman in Germany on
>>eBay.  I'm having trouble programming it.  After picking "B.  Program
>>using Penelope_v1.2" (which I assume is right?) I get the message
>>"Error:  Programming hardware cable not detected"
>>    I've tried this with Quartus 9.1sp2 and Quartus 10.0.
>>    One possibility, the HPDSRWiki instructions refer to placing a jumper
>>on JP7 on Penelope, but there are no jumper markings on my board.  From
>>a fuzzy photo of another Penelope my best guess is JP7 was at the lower
>>left corner of the FPGA, is that correct?
>>Jack, N1BIC
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