[hpsdr] HPSDR CW ops please comment

John Petrich petrich at u.washington.edu
Sun Feb 7 18:07:03 PST 2010

Ken and the rest,

I am a 100% CW operator with three weeks of HPSDR operation and 60 CW QSO's 
under my HPSDR belt.  I find no, repeat "no" problems using the native Power 
SDR keyer and keying monitor.  From the perspective of the radio operator, 
there is no apparent latency or delay from my paddle activation to the 
monitor output.  Of course, there is a definite latency between the monitor 
output and the actual RF output as monitored on a separate receiver.  The 
native keyer also permits optimization of the wave form of the keying 
signal.  I have made some small adjustments to suite me and have received a 
number of spontaneous compliments on the keying etc.

In my combined experiences with the Flex 1000 and 3000 and now my HPSDR rig, 
the exceptional CW performance using the native Power SDR keying functions 
with HPSDR contrasts with the rather frustrating experience with Power SDR 
on CW with the Flex rigs.  These two different systems should not be 

If anyone has further questions about CW operation with HPSDR please ask 
them.  Maybe I can help.

John Petrich, W7FU 

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