[hpsdr] New 100W PA from Germany.

R Wall vk3bko at virginbroadband.com.au
Mon Feb 8 17:36:42 PST 2010

Hi all,

What about Steve G6ALU's 20W and 150W RF Amplifiers. I'm using them on my 
Pic'a'Star which gives out about -13dBm to the 20W amplifier. Glenn vk3pe 
has produced boards for the Pic'a'Star, Steve's RF Amplifiers and G4TR's LPF 

Steve G6ALU:

Glenn vk3pe, look for "Panel 2 Build information":

Roderick Wall, vk3yc.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kjell Karlsen" <la2ni at online.no>
To: <hpsdr at lists.openhpsdr.org>
Sent: Tuesday, February 09, 2010 9:06 AM
Subject: [hpsdr] New 100W PA from Germany.

> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> Hi all.

> First I must say to Gert: Congratulations with your fine job!
> Some remarks: This unit is a complete Power amplifier using 2 pcs. MRF492
> with
> drivers (2pcs. RD16HHF1, same as in Pennywhistle) followed by LPfilters 
> for
> all bands and electronics to be controlled from HPSDR units. This means it
> can be used with both Penny and Hermes as
> exciters without Pennywhistle.
> I think there is still a need for a PA without LPfilters as we already
> have Alex.
> 73, Kjell
> -- 
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> http://www.opera.com/mail/
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