[hpsdr] WTB - HPSDR boards...

dave powis g4hup at btinternet.com
Sun Jul 4 08:44:07 PDT 2010

Hi all,

After some initial investigations, and watching the developments on running multiple Rx's I think I'm now ready to take the plunge!  Before I go ordering new boards, I thought it may just be worth asking on the list to see what I can find for starters - so here goes...

Looking for: 
Altas backplane
Magister (or Ozy) interface
Mercury Rx

At the moment I don't need any other boards, but if you have a system for disposal at a good price that has other boards in it too, I could be interested!

I can accept delivery within the US as well to the UK, so shipping should not present an issue.

e-mail me off list please, 'g4hup' at 'btinternet' dot 'com'

Thanks for any help available!

Dave G4HUP / ND8P
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