[hpsdr] [OT] jmonitor waterfall color

Ken N9VV n9vv at wowway.com
Fri Mar 26 06:42:46 PDT 2010

Hi, I asked John for help in changing his EXPERIMENTAL jmonitor 
online display waterfall color. Here is his reply:

-------------- from John Melton --------------
The waterfall pixel color is calculated in the method 
calculatePixel: [in the WaterfallPanel.java]

    int pixel=(255<<24)+(v<<16)+(v<<8)+v;

A pixel if 32 bits:

    255<<24 sets the Alpha value
    v<<16 sets the R value
    v<<8 sets the G value
    v    sets the B value

If you want the waterfall to be shades of Blue then set the R and 
G values to 0:
     int pixel=(255<<24)+(0<<16)+(0<<8)+v;
     int pixel=(255<<24)+v;

You can set it to other colors by just combining different 
combinations of RGB.

Experimenting is great fun when we have such an accomplished 
mentor (Elmer) like John to help us along.

I changed my waterfall to shades of blue :-) thank you John.

what a great time to be in Ham Radio and SDR technology.

73 de Ken N9VV

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