[hpsdr] Metis

Jeremy McDermond mcdermj at xenotropic.com
Wed Nov 3 20:12:46 PDT 2010

On Nov 3, 2010, at 8:03 PM, Phil Harman wrote:

> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> Congratulations, that is great news John.
> I hear that some of the other Beta testers also have their boards working
> with KISS Konsole.
> Bill, KD5TFD, is working on support via PowerSDR and Jeremy MacHPSDR.

You'll have to give the rest of us a bigger head start next time, Bill!  :p

Congrats, John.  You always amaze me at the speed at which you can crank this stuff out.

I'm hoping to have a Metis version of MacHPSDR soon.  We're set to have a winter storm roll through this weekend, which promises to keep me cooped up and doing indoor things like writing code.

> Looks like we are on track to get Metis into production in the near future.
> 73 Phil...VK6APH

Jeremy McDermond (NH6Z)
Xenotropic Systems
mcdermj at xenotropic.com

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