[hpsdr] Looking for guidance

Jeremy McDermond mcdermj at xenotropic.com
Tue Nov 9 18:06:21 PST 2010

On Nov 9, 2010, at 5:20 PM, Berndt Josef Wulf wrote:

> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> G'day,
> Having followed the HPSDR on and off for some time, I've decided to give it a 
> crack. My current dilemma is of not knowing which path to take.

Welcome to the group.  Hopefully you'll have some fun with it once we can get you started.

> My initial idea was to start with Atlas, LPU, Metis, Mecury and to build a 
> nice enclosure. Then Hermes captured my interest, which I believe is a 
> standalone PCB and doesn't require a Atlas backplane. Please correct me if 
> this isn't true.

Hermes will not require an Atlas backplane.  It does have a companion board, "Apollo," that has a PA, filters, and an ATU on it.

> I also like the idea of using Gigabit Ethernet as an 
> interface.

Both Metis and Hermes will have Gigabit Ethernet interfaces.

> But how long before we see Hermes become available for beta-tester 
> and to the general public?

I wouldn't expect any movement on Hermes before this springtime (in the Northern Hemisphere).

> What are my options to get me off the ground? The project appears to be split 
> into individual projects and with many of the modules no longer available, it 
> makes it difficult to build up a complete system. It surely must be confusing 
> to the uninitiated. The system I envisage is state of art, scalable and 
> capable of keeping up with new developments. So I suspect Atlas is here to 
> stay.

I don't see Atlas going away.  We'll be using what we learned in Hermes to make the Atlas stuff better (see Pennylane), and what we learn in Atlas stuff to make Hermes better (see Metis).  If you want something that's going to be "extensible," Atlas is probably the way to go.  The problem right now is that the boards to make a working Atlas based system are not available.  LPU and Atlas are available from TAPR as kits.  Metis is in beta, but should be out very soon.  Mercury is your real issue.  I believe that Gerd is still producing Mercury-EU, and you might be able to get one there.  There's also the possible project that Scotty and Dan are putting together to manufacture and sell Mercury, Pennylane, and other boards.  If you're interested in Metis, Mercury, or Pennylane, you should indicate your interest on hamsdr.com so that TAPR and Scotty/Dan know how many to order.  Note that you need to sign up for an account to be able to indicate your interest.

> My interest is in digital communications on HF, including 2200m and 600m 
> bands, VHF, UHF and SHF.

Mercury covers from 0-65MHz.  There has been some talk about VHF and above, but no projects have been yet started.

> I'm familiar with RF and software engineering as part 
> of my profession and hence don't mind in doing some work.

I'm sure that the various software authors (including me) would appreciate any contributions you can make.  Your choices will be dependent on which OS/platform you prefer.

> I also have been 
> dabbling with the USRP and GNU Radio.

John Melton has come up with a shim program that makes an OpenHPSDR rig act like an UDP source in GNU Radio.

> Your guidance will be very much appreciated.
> 73, Berndt

Jeremy McDermond (NH6Z)
Xenotropic Systems
mcdermj at xenotropic.com

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