[hpsdr] Building a Hercules: a few questions
george byrkit
ghbyrkit at chartermi.net
Mon Nov 22 07:15:09 PST 2010
Dear All,
I'm finishing the build of a partial-kit Hercules that Ed AB8OJ originally
purchased. By partial-kit, I mean that all he had to do was wind the
toroids and mount the toroids and relays (the filter section), for the most
I've found the instructions for the full-build of the board. I'd note that
the one problem that Ed had was that the instructions did NOT discuss at all
how to properly mount Q3 and Q7, especially with regards to the black nylon
insulating washer. Thus, on his board it ended up on the bottom, and thus
the screws holding Q3 and Q7 caused a direct short from collector of each to
the heatsink. I eventually figured this out after removing the PCB from the
heatsink and checking that the PCB didn't have a short in that condition,
and that the display board worked (it did.)
Remounted the PCB after checking for shorts from wires on the bottom of the
PCB. When I put the screws back in on Q3 and Q7, the problem returned. I
put the black nylon bushings/washers on the top of Q3 and Q7 and 'problem
solved'. Since none of the instructions describe this clearly, I think that
they should be amended to describe how to do this properly!
Now, on the bias adjustment phase, one is instructed to set all pots,
including VR3 and VR5 (fwd and rev power calibration?) to full CCW
(anti-clockwise) before the bias adjustment process. There is no mention
later of the procedure to adjust VR3 and VR5 properly. What is that
procedure? Enquiring minds want to know?
Also, is there any recommended 'mini-box' to use to mount the T/R switch in?
Vy 73,
George Byrkit, K9TRV
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