[hpsdr] TeamSpeak audio 2010/Nov/06
Phil Harman
phil at pharman.org
Tue Nov 9 18:41:44 PST 2010
The PHY on Metis has no concept of what data it sends/receives. It just
converts it to 10/100/1000T transmission format. We form every single bit
that is sent - from the starting sync to the ending CRC.
In which case we have the freedom to send any data we like to/from the PHY
- the issue is how the rest of the network (switches etc) will handle it.
73 Phil...VK6APH
> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> On Nov 7, 2010, at 1:10 AM, Erik Anderson wrote:
>> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
>> After listening to this, I wonder if there is any thought towards Metis
>> in gigabit-ethernet mode supporting jumbo frames (larger than 1500
>> bytes)? This would at least help reduce the packet rate when running in
>> a higher-bandwidth environment...
> I've had this thought before, Erik. I think we've discussed it a bit on
> past TS sessions. The big question that I had is whether the Mickrel PHY
> will support jumbos. Hardware support isn't universal. There are also
> issues with whether the standard consumer Ethernet switches that people
> are using will support jumbos as well.
> It may very well be a non-issue. It may just be the instrumentation
> spinning on the blocking IO and running up the counters, but being
> completely preemptable if something else is happening in the system.
> There's also the issue that you don't want the packets to be too big,
> otherwise latency is going to go up.
> --
> Jeremy McDermond (NH6Z)
> Xenotropic Systems
> mcdermj at xenotropic.com
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