[hpsdr] Looking for guidance
Scott Cowling
scotty at tonks.com
Tue Nov 9 20:20:08 PST 2010
Hi Berndt,
Just to let you and the HPSDR community know, there has been
sufficient interest shown on the interest list to convince Dan and me
to go ahead with plans to make HPSDR boards available as TAPR stocks
run out. The initial offering will be Magister, Mercury and Pennylane.
Metis, the Gig-E interface, is on TAPR's agenda for production in
about the same time frame. My estimate is that all of the
Atlas-based HPSDR boards will be again be available for you to build
a complete radio shortly after the first of the year.
Alex pre-orders will also be started by TAPR in this time-frame. It
is going to be a busy first quarter!
Dan and I will be making an announcement as soon as we get the
details ironed out.
So hang on just a bit longer, it is coming.
Scotty WA2DFI
At 10:32 AM 11/10/2010 +0800, Phil Harman wrote:
>***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
>Hi Berndt,
>Just to add to Jeremy's reply, I hope that Scotty and Dan are able to go
>ahead with the supply of HPSDR boards that TAPR no longer supply.
>The have both put a tremendous amount of volunteer effort into making the
>TAPR range of boards available - from a manufacture, test and support
>viewpoint. With this experience under their belts then this would be a
>low risk option for folks who require boards.
>However, should they decide not to proceed then there are others
>interested in continuing manufacture and other options. One way or
>another HPSDR boards, no longer available from TAPR, will be available in
>the near future.
>As an aside, the Beta Metis boards are presently being evaluated by the
>Beta testers and so far everything is look good.
>73 Phil...VK6APH
> > ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> >
> > G'day,
> >
> > Having followed the HPSDR on and off for some time, I've decided to give
> > it a
> > crack. My current dilemma is of not knowing which path to take.
> >
> > My initial idea was to start with Atlas, LPU, Metis, Mecury and to build a
> > nice enclosure. Then Hermes captured my interest, which I believe is a
> > standalone PCB and doesn't require a Atlas backplane. Please correct me if
> > this isn't true. I also like the idea of using Gigabit Ethernet as an
> > interface. But how long before we see Hermes become available for
> > beta-tester
> > and to the general public?
> >
> > What are my options to get me off the ground? The project appears to be
> > split
> > into individual projects and with many of the modules no longer available,
> > it
> > makes it difficult to build up a complete system. It surely must be
> > confusing
> > to the uninitiated. The system I envisage is state of art, scalable and
> > capable of keeping up with new developments. So I suspect Atlas is here to
> > stay.
> >
> > My interest is in digital communications on HF, including 2200m and 600m
> > bands, VHF, UHF and SHF. I'm familiar with RF and software engineering as
> > part
> > of my profession and hence don't mind in doing some work. I also have been
> > dabbling with the USRP and GNU Radio.
> >
> > Your guidance will be very much appreciated.
> >
> > 73, Berndt
> > VK5ABN
> >
> >
> >
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