[hpsdr] Beagleboard + Tin Can Tools Trainer board for SDR?
Selmeczi János
jani.ha5ft at freemail.hu
Mon Nov 22 23:33:00 PST 2010
Hi Eric,
According to the beagleboard's system reference manual the board could be powered through its usb otg port (if you do not use power hungry extension bord or usb devivice pluged into the board's host usb port) and it consume max. 500 mA. You could have this manual from beagleboard.org. In fact i use the board in this way, connecting it to a PC using its otg usb port and using an IP over usb communication stack. But i do not know how much spare power the LPU has.
Jani, HA5FT
Erik Anderson <erikba at odysseus.anderson.name>, ezt írta:
Would it be possible for a beagleboard to be hooked up to the atlas without
overloading the LPU with the other boards or causing signal interference?
I've seen quotes somewhere that it uses 5v @ 500mA, but I'm having trouble
figuring out where I read that now...
2010/11/22 Mike Luckham <sunrise at sunsys.net>
> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> Jani, thank you for the very detailed explanation - there are a number of
> areas that I can research, it would be great to combine DSP learning with
> signal processing learning.
> Thank you very much,
> Mike
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> Sunrise Systems Software, Ridgetown, Ontario, Canada N0P 2C0 / Tel
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Selmeczi János [mailto:jani.ha5ft at freemail.hu]
> Sent: November 22, 2010 03:10
> To: Mike Luckham; hpsdr at lists.openhpsdr.org
> Subject: Re: [hpsdr] Beagleboard + Tin Can Tools Trainer board for SDR?
> Hi Mike,
> You could do some SDR development with the beagleboard. The simplest
> hardware configuration is a Softrock analog down converter and the
> beaglebord. In this case you use the beagleboard's audio codec for
> digitizing the I/Q output of the Softrock.
> Alternatice configuration could be the HPSDR hardware (Mercury + Penelope +
> Ozy + Atlas) and the beagleboard. In this case you get the digitized I/Q
> samples from the hpsdr hardware to the beagleboard using one of the board's
> usb port.
> On the software side you could develop software for the beagleboard using
> TI's DVSDK 4.0 GA development kit and the CodeSourcery ARM cross compiler.
> These development softwares currently run under ubuntu 10.04 (according to
> TI). The kit contains everything you need to develop software for the dsp
> core. Until now it was a farly complicated thing to get signal processing
> blocks running on the dsp. It has involved several TI software components
> (DSP/BIOS, DSP-LINK on the ARM and the DSP side,....). Right now its just a
> matter to define in which care you would like to run the signal processing
> routine. There is one major roadblock however. Most of the currently
> available sdr algorithm are implemented using floating point arithmetic.
> (all of the software related to the HPSDR hardware has been written this
> way). For the beagleboard you need to develop fixed point algorithms. It is
> possible to do it, but it takes time. Maybe you cab get som ideas in this
> respect from the dsPIC communities. They are using processors with fixpoint
> dsp capabilities.
> 73,
> Jani, HA5FT
> Mike Luckham <sunrise at sunsys.net>, ezt írta:
> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> ------------------------------
> I'm new to SDR but interested in exploring - could the Beagleboard +
> the Tin Can Tools Trainer board
> (http://www.tincantools.com/product.php?productid=16149) be used as a
> means
> of interfacing an antenna or preamp to the Beagleboard? If so, how could
> the Beagleboard's DSP be used for programming? What Tapr boards would be
> relevant?
> Mike Luckham
> ------------------------------
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