[hpsdr] HPSDR Transmit Frequency

Merv Thomas vk6bmt at iinet.net.au
Fri Oct 29 21:32:26 PDT 2010

There is a CW offset of 200Hz which cannot be lowered so my observations 
1.    If I set the VFO A in PowerSDR at 14.310000Mhz and make a "Tune" 
transmission I note that the actual measured freq is 14.310000Mhz  on both 
CWL and CWU- this makes sense to me.
2.    If I keep the VFO A freq at the same 14.310000Mhz and select LSB and 
make a "Tune" transmission my actual transmitted freq is 14.309800Mhz.  The 
200Hz offset comes in to the equation.
3.    Ditto 2 above but select USB and my "Tune" transmitted freq is 
14.310200Mhz.  The same 200Hz CW offset comes in to the equation.

My QUESTION is what is the actual freq I am transmitting on in 2 & 3 above 
when I use the LSB or USB mode but actually speak rather than select the 
"Tune" button??  Of course I do not transmit voice on LSB at the above 
mentioned freq!!

Thanks for any help as ever.

Merv  VK6BMT 

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