[hpsdr] Running ghpsdr on Ubuntu Linux

Erich Heinzle vk5hse at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 8 18:01:57 PST 2011

when trying to build some of the ghpsdr3-alex software from the git repository, the following error may be encountered

configure: error: 
  The libusb-0.1 library and header file required to build ghpsdr3.

such as when doing

autoreconf -i

followed by


in ~/ghpsdr3-alex/

this error can occur even though the latest libusb-0.1 library (libusb-1.0-4 at present) is already installed

this error is fixed by installing libusb-dev


sudo apt-get install libusb-dev

libjack-dev also needed for the build, and if the configuration complains it is missing...

sudo apt-get install libjack-dev

I have successfully built John Melton's ghpsdr3-alex/trunk/src/receiver 'ghpsdr' using the build instructions in the git repository's


but I would suggest that you use the

sudo apt-get install ghpsdr3

process described at 


to install the hpsdr-server for use with the ghpsdr package; this is preferable to trying to build hpsdr-server and dspserver from scratch in the first instance

i.e. don't run

sudo make install 

after running

sudo make all

when building the git ghpsdr3-alex repository

this will leave the binaries in ~/ghpsdr3-alex/trunk/bin/ and maximise your chances of getting things to behave in the first instance

if you run dsperver as well as hpsdr-server, I found ~/ghpsdr3-alex/trunk/bin/ghpsdr will not then be able to connect to the hpsdr-server

Clear as mud eh?

Hope this helps.



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