[hpsdr] Newbies guide (v1.4) to HPSDR and Ubuntu 10.04
Sid Boyce
g3vbv at blueyonder.co.uk
Fri Dec 9 07:33:10 PST 2011
Suggest you contact ve9gj at napan.com. Glenn is on the sdr-widget group
and he builds the Windows binaries so he should be able to give you
73 ... Sid.
On 09/12/11 14:05, Aivars Straupe wrote:
> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> Hello!!!
> I would like to write guide for newbies sometime ago, but it wasn't necessarry reinstall my system. Mostly I use ghpsdr3 as online server. But I can share some hints with everybody.
> If it's necessarry open a lot of Terminal windows, open just one and after open File or right click and Open tab. If first tab is open on exact folder, next tabs will open same folder.
> As well there are limitations what you can do as user and root. If you must edit file as root just write in Terminal "sudo gedit" and all files became editable with text editor. As well move all files as necessarry with "sudo nautilus". It's much easier than write in Terminal. Especially for Windows guys ;-) Â Â
> Often used commands write in text file with Gedit, and just copy paste later. Terminal remember used commands, call them with Arrow up or down.
> There was other problems as well, but don't remember right now. It was half a year back when I used it all.
> Different problem with QtRadio. I can compile it under Linux. I got errors at the process, but it works. Under WinXP, I got a lot of errors and it doesn't work. May be somebody could compile for all, same as alex-QtRadio. Or at least point me how exactly do that. I didn't find good source how to work with Qt under Win.
> 73! Aivars.
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Sid Boyce ... Hamradio License G3VBV, Licensed Private Pilot,
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