[hpsdr] New project idea - self-contained Hermes/Apollo transceiver

John Melton john.d.melton at googlemail.com
Wed Dec 14 07:16:08 PST 2011

The Raspberry Pi looks like this could be a very useful device 
especially at $35 a time (for the larger memory version).

It could be a very interesting device to run QtRadio remotely.  With an 
HDMI output I can just see QtRadio running on a 50" screen ;-)  You 
should also be able to interface a small 2 or 4 line LCD display with no 

It should also be able to run the HPSDR server code with no problems.

It apparently has a DSP processor but there is no API to use it yet!

Maybe they could be clustered together to get the performance. Even with 
3 of them you are not breaking the bank;-)

Nokia are sponsoring development using Qt 5 on the device and as such 
are offering 400 devices free to developers.  I registered saying about 
QtRadio and HPSDR and it looks like I have been accepted and will 
receive a free device as soon as they are available.


John g0orx/n6lyt

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