[hpsdr] Newbie - Ozy, Mercury, Penelope up and running :-) - Metis Question

Jeremy McDermond mcdermj at xenotropic.com
Thu Jan 13 02:02:25 PST 2011

On Jan 13, 2011, at 1:51 AM, Wild, Michael wrote:

> My question about Metis is: I have many parts left from the project incl. altera’s Ep3…
> Does anybody know, if the bare board will be available in the future?

As far as I know, current plans are to have some bare boards available for purchase.

Please note, though, that the Cyclone III on Mercury is an EP3C25, and the chip on Metis is a EP3C40.  The Metis chip has more logic gates than the Mercury one.  I'm also not sure about pin compatibility, but I'm sure that in the future we'll burn through a lot of those 40k gates with soft core processors and such.

So, make sure your "leftovers" are of the correct variety.  Unless you're looking for the challenge and eye-strain of putting one together, my experience has been that it's a very minor difference in price between TAPR's assembled and tested, and going to buy the parts yourself. YMMV in Europe, etc.  TAPR tries to keep costs down and offer it to folks with a minimal of overhead.  So, what we save in buying 350 EP3C40's at a time is passed on to you.

> vy 73
> Michael

Jeremy McDermond (NH6Z)
Xenotropic Systems
mcdermj at xenotropic.com

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