[hpsdr] Nice SDR experiment video's

Phil Harman phil at pharman.org
Tue Jul 5 18:08:53 PDT 2011

Hi Henry,

Thanks for the link - most interesting.

Code is already available to do the I&Q processing in a Mercury board for
use on a remote site.  The code includes filters, AGC and demodulation to
base band audio.

There is enough spare room in the Mercury FPGA to add user controls, LCD
display and perhaps even a bandscope. There is some interesting Verilog
FFT code available for free on the Internet that could be used.

Just needs someone with the skills and motivation to make it happen :)

73 Phil..VK6APH

> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> Hello All,
> I found this on the internet:
> http://www.youtube.com/user/JeriEllsworthJabber#p/u/4/GRWVWD85tFQ
> She (!) Jeri Ellsworth Jabbers, made some nice video's of her
> experiments with SDR radio.
> One interesting thing she does is processing the I & Q signals from a
> QSD-type SDR receiver in an FPGA board to get audio  (Look Mam, no PC
> ......!)
> Maybe she could do something like that with a Mercury-board for
> HPSDR........?!     :-D
> 73,
> Henry - PA0HJA
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