[hpsdr] Ghpsdr3

Rick ve3mm richardstasiak at gmail.com
Sun Mar 20 14:29:33 PDT 2011

Hi George

I wasn't using the proper format of the command line to start server. I am a
real novice fooling around in Linux. Just enough knowledge to be dangerous.

Lars SM6RPZ pointed out to me that in Linux you need to state the directory
path in your command ie  add './' before the program name.

After compiling server, using terminal change directories (cd command) to
the directory that the binary is in. In my case after compiling server
(using the commands 'make clean' and 'make'  the binary ended up two levels
up in ghpsdr3/trunk/bin.

Then start server running with the command     ./server --receivers 1
--metis    Note that the plural 'receivers'

The same process will start dspserver a after you have compiled it
 ./dspserver --receiver 0     Note the singular 'receiver'

Then you can run QtRadio which I compiled using Qt Creator.  Once Qt Radio
has been started, drop down the menu named Receiver and select connect.

I am now running ghpsdr3 successfully.  Lots of fun.

I am going to try and connect to dspserver with other machines in my network

Thanks to John Melton for the great code.  The graphics in QtRadio are

Good luck.  Don't be afraid to ask questions.  We all have to start at the
beginning whenever we do something new.


Rick ve3mm

On Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 5:05 PM, Georg Prinz <getpri at t-online.de> wrote:

> Hello Rick,
> how did you solve your problem.
> I am in the process to install ghpsdr3 on ubuntu 10.10, too.
> Vy 73, Georg - dl2kp
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