[hpsdr] Bandwith and decimation questions

Maximo EA1DDO_HK1DX ea1ddo at hotmail.com
Tue Mar 22 08:39:42 PDT 2011


There are some things in my head not really clear.

Are next facts right?
LT2208 at 16 bit and 130 million samples per second; 16 x 130.000.000 = 2080 mega bits/second

Where decimation takes place, at Mercury or at Ozy/Metis?
Because if decimation takes place at Ozy/Mercury it means that are 2080 Mbits/s on the Atlas bus. Is that right?

Then, USB2 from Ozy has a continue bandwith around of 250 Mb/s. But Metis will be around 960 Mb/s.
Will decimation adapt to the Metis bandwith?
I mean, if decimation adapts the output to the existing bandwith. 
More bandwith plus less decimation means more data on the PC, so the spectrum we see/hear will be better ??

I have not really clear how it works, thats the reason for my questions.

Thank you.

73, Maximo - EA1DDO


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