[hpsdr] Atlas bus lines C29 and C31

Joe Martin K5SO k5so at valornet.com
Sun Mar 20 15:56:36 PDT 2011


Relax.  As Joe K1RQG points out to me, from the Atlas documentation it  
seems that C29 and C31 have been made intentionally different from  
most bus lines, for some reason.

However, this mean that the communications specification that we  
currently have for comm lines between Ozy/Magister/Metis and Mercury  
is invalid, as C29 and C31 fall in the middle of the 8-line comm spec  
that exists for that specification.

In Metis v1.1 and Ozy 6.3 I avoided use of the C29 and C31 lines and  
used A6 and A4 instead for those two sets of firmware.

It occurs to me that the two "missing" data lines (C29 and C31) of the  
8-line comm spec could easily be the reason were earlier were plagued  
with strange audio "popping" phenomena.  Lately many of the apps run  
using only a single NWire communication between the boards so the  
"missing" lines weren't important, until you try to use one of them  
for the NWire comm, hihi.

Sorry to put out a general alert but it sure looked like one was  
warranted to me at the time.

73,  Joe K5SO

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Joe Martin K5SO <k5so at valornet.com>
> Date: March 20, 2011 3:59:51 PM MDT
> To: hpsdr at lists.openhpsdr.org
> Subject: Atlas bus lines C29 and C31
> Phil and ALL,
> I have been beating my head against a wall trying to figure out why  
> I cannot use the C29 and C31 Atlas bus lines between Metis and  
> Mercury and tracked the problem down to what appears to be a  
> fundamental problem with the Atlas board itself.
> I have three Atlas boards, two assembled and tested and one new  
> unassembled;  all three show NO CONNECTIVITY between the connectors  
> for both the C29 and C31 bus lines.
> I believe this could be a design/fabrication fault with the Atlas  
> board generally.  If that's so, it's interesting that no one noticed  
> it before now.  If all Atlas boards don't show this fault  I sure  
> need to know it!!
> If you have a chance, please check continuity between the Atlas  
> connectors for bus lines C29 and C31 and let me know if this is true  
> for your Atlas boards too.
> Thanks,
> 73,  Joe K5SO

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