[hpsdr] two Metis arrived, both run very nicely

John Melton john.d.melton at googlemail.com
Tue Mar 22 14:14:30 PDT 2011

Hi Alfred,

just a warning about running 2 Metis cards on a network.

The released Metis code remembers the IP adddress and port when it
receives a Discovery packet and sends all subsequent packets to that
address.  With 2 Metis cards this will change the address that packets
are being sent to for a card that has received a start command.

Phil has sent me a version of the Metis FPGA code that resolves this by
not remembering the IP and port from a Discovery packet if the Metis
card is already sending data (i.e. has received a start command).

Not sure if this is the version that is on the download page or is in
the svn yet.

-- John g0orx/n6lyt
On Tue, 2011-03-22 at 21:33 +0100, wully wrote:
> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> Hi all
> Today, two Metis arrived from TAPR. I am very happy to tell, that I 
> could run both (I am using fixed IP-addresses) with powerSdr from W5WC.
> I will next try, to attach my own DSPprogram (which uses Smalltalk for 
> the user interface and C for the DSP-Routines) to Metis. Currently, I 
> use Magister with a modified server.exe from John Melton. This has been 
> possible, since this great project HPSDR is fully open source!
> I thank all, that have contributed to this great new component Metis 
> (especially Phil Harman and John Melton) for this very successfull 
> project HPSDR.
> The amount of amateurs using SDR is quite substatially increasing, as I 
> notice in my QSOs.
> vy 73, HB9EPU, Alfred
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